When NOT to Use Freelancers

  1. When you’re starting to market your company with paid ads 02:05
    • This is more suited for a fulltime hire who knows your business better.
    • An in-house hire will know your company culture, goals, mission, and values better than someone outside the company.
    • Working with a freelancer is different than working with an agency. A paid search agency will have a staff that knows how to identify these goals and values.
  2. When you have more than a one-off project 03:48
    • Freelancers typically have more than one client, so you won’t always be top of the priority list.
    • If you need someone to help you more often on a recurring basis, it might make more sense to scale your team.
  3. When you’re trying to scale your business 04:48
    • Because freelancers have multiple clients, they won’t be able to work as quickly as you would like them to.
    • They don’t have the sense of urgency needed to grow your company. They aren’t invested in your growth like an employee would be. Projects are more of a means to an end.
  4. When working with trade secrets or sensitive information 05:42
    • Just like freelancers aren’t invested in your company, they also don’t have an allegiance to your company like an employee would.
    • They aren’t as willing to protect your information.
  5. When you cannot afford them 06:24
    • Pretty important point here. If you can’t afford a freelancer, don’t hire one. This is a very quick way to go out of business.

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